Sunday, April 24, 2011

I feel like I've been cheating on this blog.....I started a new blog, even though I plan on using them simultaneously I haven't been over here in a while. Maybe because I didn't have much to say?

Well, I have yet to lie to you since no one will probably read this and if they do, I pretend they don' might as well not start now so I'll just say it.

I am afraid. I am one who isn't usually afraid of anything...not that I'm super macho or above being afraid, I just never saw the point in it, I have a healthy fear of Lightning, yet every time it storms I am outside watching it. But I am afraid of not knowing what I'm doing with my life, afraid if I've made the right choices, afraid of never finding someone who will love me and want to spend their life with me. To be honest, I don't know why these thoughts have so consumed my mind as much as they have these past few weeks. I had a friend who was honest enough to tell me I just need to stop worrying about finding a wife/girlfriend so much. And I agree, I've never been one to worry about that? So Why all of the sudden is it one of the main topics of my never-ending brain. Maybe it's because it's something that honestly doesn't matter, so If I worry about that intead of all the other things that are causing me stress, then I won't feel as bad? I don't know. Maybe I'm just in a weird place in my life, and I'm questioning a lot of things.

Well blog, always know you were my first, and I'll never forget you....ok maybe I will one day, but not yet, I still love you. haha i'm such a dork.

you stay classy internet

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