Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Big Move!

In case you guys hadn't heard. My parents were offered, and accepted a job for ACE Ministries. They will be working as Home School Representatives, trying to sell ACE's curriculum to families who home school. This is part of the area they will be covering. For sure we know that they will cover Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. But they may also have Mississippi, Arkansas, and South Carolina. The blue dot-thingie, is where they are planning to live.

Valdosta - Google Maps

As you may know, I want to move to Oregon, but this just complicates things further. I figured I would have my parents living in CA when I first moved, so I could have somewhere close by where I could keep most of my stuff until I find a place to live. But with them moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!!! I don't know what to do, then of course they want me to go with them. I am so confused right now, it's tough, cause none of these decisions are easy. No matter what I choose to do, I will be away from Family. This is a very tough decision, and I would ask anyone who reads this to pray for me! To add to the confusion, I JUST got my insurance in CA to get my knee worked on, so if I want my knee to be fixed I am going to have to stay in CA until I get it fixed. :[ And since my knee isn't fixed, I haven't gotten a job, so I'm broke, and couldn't move if I wanted too. Double :[

well, i will talk to you guys later .