Sunday, February 14, 2010


There is this little thing called anger. Anger is like a ninja, it influences those around it, and by the time you notice's too late. Why is it that when something upsets you, you don't realize that you're so upset. But then something little, almost unbelievably small sets you off? Usually you would keep your calm, and just not let it bother you, but this time.....this time you are already upset. All the little things have been weighing you down more than you know. Maybe they're not little things? Maybe just maybe it is something big? Something that to you, is one of the most important things? I don't have an answer. People get upset, and people get angry, all I know is God is the only one who can help you take away your anger. And even then you have to WANT Him to take it. well..... self ... that is all for know. I will write more to myself later.

Take it Easy -Phillip