Sunday, April 3, 2011

4:20 & High as a Bird

Now, before you freak out, I didn't do any drugs. But what I did do was something I hadn't done in a very long time, at least not just for the heck of it. I climbed a tree. There are these big trees on the quad of JBU's Siloam Springs campus. One of them in particular is my favorite. Favorite for one of the most relaxing things a person can do..Hammock :D I have a GREAT hammock, I got it for Christmas from my parents, per my specific request (I don't usually ask for anything.) I received an ENO Double Nest hammock, holds two people and up to 400 lbs. Or, in my case....just me. As I climbed up the tree about 20 feet or so, wrapped the Slap Straps and set up my hammock, I sat there in utter relaxation, and my mind wondered (as it normally does.) So I decided to climb out of my hammock and climb higher into this tree. As I reached the point where I stopped climbing, I looked at my phone and it was 4:20 pm. As I felt the branches swaying beneath my feet, due to the mighty winds, I realized how amazing God is. Even though MOST of the trees on campus were planted by JBU to make our campus beautiful (they do look pretty good.) There are a few that have been there for a while. Behind me was the old cemetery, with hedge stones older than I care to imagine. To my left the Walker Student Center, my right the Engineering building and Mayfield. I could see a good ways off into the distance of the Ozark landscape of Northwest Arkansas. I stood there for a good 20 minutes just swaying and moving with the tree, feeling the sun on my skin and the breeze wrinkle my shirt with every breath. I felt two conflicting emotions. I felt great humility with how GREAT my GOD is, and how HE made all of these beautiful things for little ol' me. The other was loneliness, when I truly realized how short life is, and how Beautiful Creation is, I couldn't help but realize I kept looking around for someone I knew. Someone I could share this beautiful view with. I felt like that is how God intended for us to enjoy His Creation, with someone we love. First family, then Friends, then eventually the person that we will spend our lives with.
So I climbed back down, and got into my hammock, and pulled out my book "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, and read a chapter. I could blog a lot about Francis Chan, but I won't. Let's just suffice it to say, he is an awesome author, and is good at making anyone want to be closer to God. But, I did enjoy reading, and having some alone time with just me and God, but I realized that even though, I may not be at a place in my life where I am ready for Marriage, but I do want that day to come.....sooner rather then later.

Ok, Phillip, that's it for now. Now, GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

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