Sunday, July 11, 2010


Ok, so I have this friend, who is an amazing writer. And she does this thing, where she personifies something abstract. Like love, or purity, or wisdom. It's really cool! Well, this is my attempt at the same thing. I call it "Fear"


Fear is an old, distant friend. He use to visit me often, but he hasn't been around in years. He use to bother me so much. He would make it hard to be asleep, and he always bothered you when you were alone. His two best friend Pain and Suffering were always close by. Although I haven't seen Fear in quite some time, his friends like to stick around. They are like a constant shadow in my life. They give a false sense of comfort in their presence. Like a strange but sweet comfort? Sometimes you feel they'll never leave, then Grace and Peace come for a visit, and Pain and Suffering leave in a hurry.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you flatterer. You did an excelent job.
