If you would have told me 10 years ago, that when I was 23 I would have a hard time choosing between getting a tattoo or buying a new gun...well, it's true. I paid my taxes like everyone is suppose to (don't even get me started on that) and I don't know what to do when my tax return comes back. I want to get a tattoo of Romans 1:16 and the words "Not Ashamed" that my good friend is drawing up for me. But I also want a revolver. Both would be AROUND the same price, and I would probably have both for the rest of my life. So I am stumped.
Also, I've been kinda bummed, not really depressed, but it made the title sound cooler, but definetly bummed. I applied to be a barista at a new local coffee shop opening up soon, and I didn't get it. I didn't BOMB the interview, in fact they hire 9 people, and I was 10th on the list. That on top of all the school stress, I've just been really down. So, any of you people out there reading this, IF ANYONE DOES, pray for me to cheer up and to see myself how God sees me.